Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Geeks, Freaks, and Doctor Who.

Saturday mornings. A blur of bedhead, best friends, coffee, and the occasional nutella sandwich. Oh, and screaming for 5 hours straight in the anticipation of another Doctor Who episode :). The one day a week when my Bff allowed ourselves to become complete idiots- staying up late, drinking waaay too much monster, and scouring the internet on the offchance that our beloved obsession had perhaps slipped through the web unnoticed. By now my friend's moved 3 hours away (murder for a lowly, carless teenager) and the Doctor's taking a break, I have no choice but to wander around my saturdays in a daze. Gone are the maniacal screams, the vats of coffee, and of course, the nutella sandwiches. In it's place are quiet whispers, cups of green tea, and *ugh* oatmeal. Doctor, see what you've done? By the time you start back up, the world will have already ended. =.=